- Application: Through network, website, events
- Quickscan: GO / NO-GO
- Research: Reference calls and desk research
- Team update: GO / NO-GO
- Investment Proposal: Feedback team
- Expert panel: Specific advisory commitee: GO / NO-GO
- Due Diligence: Thorough background check
- Closing: Signing of standard convertible loan agreement
This process takes around 4 months. If you want to know more, please contact the team.
For a funding application with UNIIQ, the company must:
- be based in South Holland;
- be at TRL level 3-5; and
- be less than 5 years old.
If you want to know more, please contact the team.
WTC The Hague | Prinses Margrietplantsoen 41| 2595 AM The Hague | The Netherlands
CIC Rotterdam | Stationsplein 45 – 4e verdieping | 3013 AK Rotterdam | The Netherlands