- Product: Kaminari enables photoacoustic intravascular imaging
- Sector: Life Sciences & Health
- Founded: 2019
- Amount invested: € 300.000
- Status: Active
Kaminari Medical is a technology developer for a new way of intracoronary imaging. With this, strictures in the veins are visualized more accurately and can be treated better with stents.
During cardiac catheterisations (angioplasty operations) it is important to visualize the narrowing of the coronary arteries in order to place one or more stents as well as possible. These strictures (plaques) can vary in shape and composition. Plaques filled with cholesterol and other fats are especially high risk. Kaminari Medical makes it possible to visualize these types of plaques well. By combining a laser and a sound pulse (intravascular photo-acoustics), the doctor can literally get a picture of both the shape and the content of the plaques, so that they can be better treated with stents and drugs. This means that possible new heart attacks can be prevented and the number of recatherizations may decrease.